Your Roadmap: Get AMPED With Contractor Success Hub
“Amped” was a term my teenage foster sons used when they were excited about something. I understood what they meant when they said it, but I didn’t think it was a real word. It turns out, however, that several dictionaries define it. Here are some definitions: “Filled with energetic excitement”; “excited, enthusiastic”; “fired up, waiting for a big thrill.”
When you began your business, you were probably amped – excited about owning a business and working toward success. Somewhere along the line, though, the reality of running a business sank in. There was so much to do. And only so many hours to do it. Maybe you didn’t realize the time and attention you would have to devote to things like accounting, marketing, HR, and administration, just to name a few. You didn’t start a business to focus on these things; you started your business to take care of customers and to do what you love. Now administrative things demand your attention. And you feel stuck.
Maybe you’re experiencing some or all of these symptoms:
- You’re never able to catch up; something is always hanging over your head and you spend evenings and weekends doing administrative work.
- You’re not able to respond to all the people you need to respond to in a timely manner.
- You struggle to complete proposals on time.
- Your company’s financial health fluctuates. Sometimes cash flow is good and sometimes it’s bad. You don’t know what your most profitable work is or why it’s profitable.
- As the owner, you have to make almost all the decisions in your company.
- You don’t have a predictable, controllable source of new leads.
- It’s hard to take time off. And when you do take time off, you have to check in to make sure everything is okay.
- You struggle to get to all your appointments on time.
- You’re not having fun as a business owner.
Maybe you are plodding along, hoping things get better, but without a plan to actually make them better. You understand, at some level, that if you don’t change the way you run your business, you will be in the same situation this time next year. And the year after that. And the year after that. And so on until you decide you’ve finally had enough and choose to take action. But you don’t really know what to do or how to change things.
That’s where we help. We help you turn your business into the success you dreamed it would be. We help you focus on the things you are good at, the things you like, the things you want to do. We take care of the rest, helping you drive your business forward while you focus on the things you are uniquely qualified to do as the business owner.
Contractor Success Hub is a community of construction-related business owners, business services providers, and business advisors. We are dedicated to improving the businesses and personal lives of the owners of small and midsize construction-related companies.
As a member of our community, your roadmap to success includes our AMPED (Assess, Measure, Plan, Execute, Dominate) methodology. This is what your journey working with us will look like.
We begin by helping you assess your current situation and comparing it to where you want to be. We do this through conversation. Where do you want your business to be? What is working well? What would you like to improve? What are you passionate about? You will complete this phase by working with your CSH business advisor.
Measure Together we take an honest look at your business and your personal satisfaction as a business owner. The process begins with a brief questionnaire that establishes a baseline of the business’s current state. In this phase we review financial data and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business. (Don’t have KPIs? No worries; we’ll help you create them.) You will complete this step with your CSH business advisor. You can begin attending community meetings and monthly advising sessions.
Based on what we discover in the previous steps, you and your CSH advisor will build a plan for your business. The plan will be based on where you want your business and personal life to be in one year, two years, five years, and so on. During this phase you will begin participating in peer group sessions and continue your monthly advising sessions. You will also determine which business services, if any, to use.
In this phase we begin executing your plan. This is the step where you begin using the business services you need. We will do quarterly business reviews, comparing results to plan. We monitor KPIs and implement corrective action, if needed, to ensure you meet your goals. This is the phase where you should begin seeing significant improvement in your business and in your personal satisfaction. During this phase you will continue to participate in all group sessions and to work with your advocate/advisor.
Once all the pieces are in place and we are executing your plan, we will focus on optimizing your business so you can dominate your market and achieve your dreams for your business. During this phase you will continue to fully participate in all group sessions and to work with your advisor.