The Secretary of the British Treasury Wants to Help Your Business

Wait, what? Secretary of the British Treasury? You have probably heard some form of advice attributed

You have probably heard some form of advice attributed to William Lowndes, who was Secretary to the Treasury of Great Britain from 1695 until 1707. The Americanized version goes something like this, “Mind your pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves.” By this, he meant that if you carefully manage your money, including how you spend even small amounts, you will accumulate wealth. Good advice, right?

Contractor Success Hub’s version of Lowndes’ advise is this: “Mind your hours and the dollars will take care of themselves,” or “Mind your time and the business results will take care of themselves.”

As a business owner, you should have a narrow focus on things that grow your business. Not spending enough time on them will hurt your business, even if you think you are saving money by giving attention to other things.

As a business owner, you are probably tempted to do administrative work, especially when the business is young and you don’t think you have the budget to pay someone to do it. I get it. Someone has to take care of things like accounting, marketing, IT, HR, and on and on and on. So you, as the owner, take on those responsibilities. In addition to everything else you’re doing.

But you need to stop doing those things as quickly as possible. If you don’t, they will consume you. You will lose sight of the most important parts of your business, the things only an owner is capable of doing. You may lose passion because you will be devoting yourself to things you’re not passionate about and probably not qualified to do. Most important, doing them will actually end up costing you more money than you think you’re saving. Eventually you will be stuck in a cycle of doing more work for less return.

When I was in the corporate world, I coached teams to develop what I referred to as the BAHU Mindset. This meant that everyone had to determine what was the best and highest use (BAHU) of his/her time and then devote their time to those tasks. Productivity and revenue increased significantly when people focused on the right things. People were happier. It was better for the company financially and culturally to hire lower-paid administrative staff to deal with administrative work (“administrivia” is the term we used for it) so producers could focus on things that moved the company forward and generated revenue.

What is BAHU for you? I can guarantee that it’s not generating invoices or entering expenses into your accounting software. It’s not writing your employee manual. It’s not trying to figure out marketing. It’s not developing your operations manual. It’s not any of the million things that need to be done that could and should be done by someone else.

Not sure how to make this happen? Contact us; we can help. Email and use “British Secretary” in the Subject. We will help you develop your own BAHU Mindset.

You and your business deserve the success that comes with a BAHU Mindset.